Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ceilidh's Artistic Talents

If the number of paintings, crafts and drawings she brings home is any indication, I think "art" is a big component of junior kindergarten. Everyday, there's something new to post on our fridge door, which is now buried under so much "art", I can't find the door handle!
Here's the latest drawing she brought home. For Daddy.
When I asked her what it was, this was her explanation (as told to her teacher apparently, her uncle, and her daddy as well):
It's a picture of my daddy. I drew it at school. See, he's so fat because he eats lots of grapes. Look - there's the grapes in his big tummy!

When Devlin interpreted the drawing for Auntie Grace, he was admonished for his use of the word "fat".
Auntie Grace: Devlin, it's not very nice to say someone's fat.
Devlin: Well, you better talk to Ceilidh about that one.

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