Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Miss. Smarty Pants

The parenting experts suggest involving your child in grocery shopping to overcome food pickiness. The idea being if the child participates in selecting food items and menu planning, they will be more motivated to try a variety of foods. I don't allow my children to participate in planning our dinner menus because the meals would consist of the following - fries, fries, and hot dogs.
I do however bring the kids to the grocery store. Certainly, we've practised math skills while counting out peppers or apples in the produce section. Once in a blue moon, we've had the children express their desire to taste an exotic fruit or a hankering for some other food item. Keeping in mind the parenting experts' advice, I oblige.
But mostly, I bring along the kids to the grocery store to give their memory skills a run. Ceilidh usually accompanies me on the weekly outings to Costco. I will recite a list of needed items and have her repeat them while we are shopping.
Last week, I said to her, "Ceilidh, don't forget to remind Mommy we need to buy juice boxes too."

"Okay," she replies.

After a moment, she adds, "Mommy? Maybe you should make a list!"

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