Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mommy got an A!

We finally convinced Devlin to "interview" his Auntie Shunaha about her job for his community helper project. He did, asking questions about her training, the tools of her trade, why she does the job. With some prodding by mom, of course.
Then Mommy and Devlin pored over magazines and cut out pictures pregnant women, stethoscopes, scenes from a hospital operating room, newborn babies. These were mounted with lots of scotch tape to a poster, along with texts relating facets of Auntie Shunaha's job as an obstetrician-gynaecologist. We even located an ultrasound image of Aisling and mounted that, carefully encased in plastic.
Then we spent many hours practising his "speech", or presentation.
Sent him off to school, with nervous anticipation. Like it was my own handiwork that was to be judged.
Asked him how it went. "Okay," he said nonchalantly.
Did the classmates have any questions? Not really, according to him, who was more interested in flipping through the newest Chickadee magazine.
This week, his community helper project marks came home. Glowing comments. He attained a level 4 - which is more or less an A. I felt the relief and satisfaction I had experienced when I was in school and aced a test or assignment. As if I had done this assignment myself! Wait - I did, in a way.

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