Sunday, March 9, 2014

Laying on the Guilt

Ceilidh is all over the Rainbow Loom Craze. Within a few short days of receiving the kit for Christmas, she had used up all of the supplied rubber bands. Every member of the family sported several different coloured bracelets and rings.
Mommy had to re-stock the bands, and Ceilidh then discovered that You Tube had a library of Rainbow loom videos on various crafts. She's weaved a colourful snake and left it on my pillow (ugh!), little purses for dolls, a backpack for the mini stuffed animals, and is now attempting a cell phone case.
And, again, she's in need of more rubber bands.
I promised her I would purchase the bands when I had the chance, which wasn't soon enough for her.
"Really Ceilidh, Mommy is very busy at work and at home, and I haven't had the chance to stop at Michael's yet!" I stated in a very exasperated tone after being bugged the gazillionth time in a day.
"When I get 30 minutes to myself this week (which really is NEVER), I promise I will go and buy them," I vowed as I folded the laundry while checking over someone's homework.
"I know, Mommy. Thank you. I know it's hard being our Mom, so thank you," Ceilidh said in a very nice voice while hugging me tightly.

Yeah, of course, that made me feel *that* big. So, the very next day, after spending two hours in traffic, I came home, took over the chauffeuring duties so I could pop into Michael's to purchase the promised bands.

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