Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shart? Shark?

When we were expecting Devlin, we watched the movie "Along Came Polly", that starred Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was a comedy romance that provided lots of laughs. One particular scene introduced us to the term "shart", which as one character described as "you think it's a fart, but later you realize it was more than that".
After Devlin arrived, we began to employ that term in earnest for those teeny tiny bowel movements that accompanied the fart but was definitely not a full-fledged poopy diaper.
Recently, Aisling has been experiencing some issues with poop. It may be because of constipation, or it may be part two of an unconscious reaction to the impending arrival of a new sibling.  We've already been through one episode of regression with the poop training. We thought this was a non-issue and a thing of the past. Clearly it's not.
Last night, she announced to her father she had a poop accident.
Daddy checked the underwear, and declared it was "not an accident".

Daddy: This is not an accident. This is you going poop in your underwear. Poop should be in the toilet.
Aisling: No it was an accident.
Daddy: There is no way you can claim this as a shart. It is POOP in the underwear.
Aisling: It's not a shark. It's poop. Sharks live in the water!

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