Monday, May 27, 2013

Mommy doesn't get it!

Last week, I seized upon rare (these days) opportunity to pick up the kids from school. Both Ceilidh and Devlin were happy to see me waiting on the tarmac with their baby brother in the stroller. Aisling sped out the door to give me a big hug. After dealing with some whining about having to wear jackets, it was homeward bound, with promises of television once homework and piano practising was completed, and a cookie treat before homework.
The trek home was chaotic and noisy as usual. All three chattered about their day, at the same time. Whoever was the loudest got heard of course. Perhaps that's why Aisling does NOT have an indoor voice. First I heard about Aisling's big day at school. It was her birthday, and her class mates sang "Happy Birthday" and she received a special birthday sticker, but it got ripped, so she threw it in the garbage. Then Devlin said his day at school was "okay" and that they didn't "learn much". I was also informed that he lost his free time on Friday afternoon for "no good reason". Well, actually, because someone blamed him and his friend for a girl falling down earlier in the week, but he hadn't been questioned about it, and was unable to explain that it wasn't him, that he was nowhere near where the incident had occurred, and that it couldn't have possibly been him. (Kind of sound like the Toronto mayor Rob Ford!") When I asked why there was no note from the teacher, Devlin decided to hang back and walk with a classmate. Convenient.
Then it was Ceilidh's turn to chat about her day. Here went the conversation:
C: Devlin pushed me at the end of recess and I fell.
M: He pushed you?
C: For no reason.
M: Did you tell the teacher?
C: No, it was end of recess.
M: What was happening before he pushed you?
C: Nothing.
M:Nothing at all? I'll have to get Devlin's explanation.
C: Well, my friend Aleena and I were tickling him, and then he pushed me really hard.
M: Why were you tickling him?
C: I wasn't. My friend Aleena was.
M: Did he ask you to stop bothering him?
C: I wasn't bothering him. My friend and I were practising our gymnastics, and he came over and stepped on my hand. See? (showing me non-existent injury)
M: I thought you said you were tickling him?
C: No at last recess.
M: Then when did the gymnastics incident happen?
C: Not Devlin - some other boy stepped on my hand.
M: (wishing my cross-examination skills would produce such results great results in court) Which boy? When?
C: At the other recess, and I only tickled Devlin because my friend did it too. And his friends were mean to me!
M: Wait, I thought you said you didn't tickle. Which is it?
C: AAARGH! You don't understand my kid life!!!! (throwing her hands up in frustration and stomping away)

I never did figure out if there was a push, as Devlin denied it categorically. There might have been some tickling or at least, some pursuit by Ceilidh and her friend, but not sure at which recess. And gymnastics? When questioned further, it was gym class!

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