Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

I am the first to admit I have a potty mouth. It's a miracle that my kids haven't picked up my vice. Well, three of the kids. Quinn has decided to try out a few, but he's learning that it's only okay for mommy to use such words.
This year, Ceilidh is in a split grade 4-5 class, and the older boys are not to her liking. She has labelled them as trouble makers who cause many disruptions to the classroom. Furthermore, she has made it clear that she doesn't believe the teaching staff is effective at reigning in the behaviour of some of the boys. One of her main complaints is the inappropriate language the boys use.
So I had to ask, "Well, what do you consider inappropriate?"
C: Just bad words.
M: Are they words you've heard before?
C: What do you mean?
M: Are they words you've heard from Mommy before?
C: Yes.
M: Then just ignore it. Like you do at home.

Then, my wise daughter had a brilliant idea.
C: Mommy, I think your new year's resolution should be to swear less. 
M: Excellent idea. But I need your help.
C: What do you mean?
M: When do you hear me use those words? All the time? When I'm happy?
C: No. When we're bad, or you're mad at us or Daddy.
M: So, if you guys behave better, then I won't get upset and I won't use "inappropriate" language. So your new year's resolution should be to behave, and do things when Mommy asks!

She didn't look thrilled at that suggestion.

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