Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The ultimate compliment

We parents know there will come a time when we will be too un-cool to be seen in public with their off-spring. Our children haven't reached that stage yet. Fortunately, Mommy and Daddy are still considered to be super-heroes, except of course when we are being "mean Mommy" and "mean Daddy" and enforcing bedtimes, breaking up fights, and demanding toys to be picked up.
We're still at that stage where my little girls ooh and aah over my outfits when I am headed to the office, or when we get the occasional date night. "You look pwetty", "I like your neck-a-lace", "Nice dress", often spill out of Ceilidh's and Aisling's mouths.
The other day, Daddy got to be on the receiving end of the flattery.
As Daddy donned his new leather jacket, Aisling commented, "I like your jacket!" Devlin looked over and added his own compliment - "Daddy! You look like a dude!"

Later that evening, as Daddy and I prepared to leave on a date, Devlin one-upped his earlier compliment.
Taking in Daddy's outfit - jeans, casual shirt, leather jacket - he exclaimed, "Daddy! Cool! You look like a rebel!"

I think Daddy had trouble zipping up his jacket as his chest puffed up with pride.

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