Friday, October 7, 2011

Rocks, rocks everywhere!

At the beginning of the school year, I took some vacation days so I could take the kids to school and meet their teachers. It's also a great time to purchase school supplies since there's always something I've forgotten.  There's always numerous forms from the school to fill out, lunches to organize, extra-curricular activities to be scheduled and registered into...the list goes on and on.
I took advantage of my time at home to walk the Devlin and Ceilidh to school and pick them up in the afternoon as well. Sometimes we went to the nearby park with Aisling. After a half hour spent climbing the monkey bars and swinging, I would often hear complaints that they were too tired to carry their backpacks home. So I'd shoulder their schoolbags and shepherd them home. Devlin's bag was pretty light, but Ceilidh's was suspiciously heavy. When we arrived home, I discovered why - there were rocks of all sizes in her backpack. Apparently, she had developed a new hobby - rock collecting.
I'd dump the rocks outside, but the next day, she'd find more and bring them home. There were rocks and pebbles in her jacket pockets too. And pants pockets. Soon I was finding tiny stones in our washing machine.
In an effort to dissuade her, Devlin told his sister that she taking school property whenever she removed the rocks from the playground and brought them home. This had no effect on our budding geologist.
Well, it's been a few weeks, but I think that hobby has run its course. Now I'm finding dried out leaves everywhere.

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