Tuesday, September 8, 2015

T-1 and counting...

It's the first day of school - yay!
But Quinn doesn't start until tomorrow. Staggered start for junior kindergarten. To allow those teachers a chance to familiarize themselves with the new faces and slowly ease the new ones (and themselves) into a routine of sorts.
We decided to do a trial run this morning. Woke the kids up early. Fed them breakfast. Gave the deadline of being out the door by 8:20am.
Last night, the buggers decided that they were ready for school and decided to watch tv in the evening while I unpacked from our last hurrah summer vacation and tried to assemble a meal.
This morning, at 8:21am, those darn kids of mine realized they needed pencils and indoor shoes.
And then there was Quinn, who walked ever so slowly and splashed in every puddle he could spy.

Result - late for the first day of school.

Plan for tomorrow - get them out the door at 8:15am.

But also make sure Quinn goes to the bathroom before we leave and cross our fingers he doesn't need to poop at school.
Last week, I again encouraged him to wipe his own bum. He declined, and demanded that I do the honours.
"But Mommy won't always be with you! Who's going to wipe your bum at school?" I asked.
"Devlin will do it - Devlin goes to school," the little monkey stated in a matter of fact tone.

Devlin, of course, was aghast.

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