For those of you who haven't seen Toy Story 3, I highly recommend it. It was funny, endearing and touching. Just ask my husband who got teary-eyed both times he saw the movie. Without giving away the storyline, I can tell you the plot revolves around the toys' fate as Andy is now preparing to leave for college. After the movie, Devlin was become fascinated with the idea of college, and the fact that one goes away for college. The questions have been numerous (i.e. what do you do at college? where is college? who goes to college?), and he's declared himself excited to go to college. It's great that he's already setting his future goals, since he's only beginning grade one this September. I have tried to explain it's university here in Canada that he'll be attending, but with all the American media programming, the word "college" is ingrained in Devlin.
One night, just before Mommy had to attend an out-of-town work commitment, Devlin wanted his entire family to sleep together in one bed. As we all piled into the family bed, he said, "Mommy, before I go away to college when I'm older, can we all sleep together?"
"Why?" we queried while trying to hide our amusement.
"Because I'm going to miss all of you, so I think we should all sleep together before I leave for college," he replied earnestly.
"Sure Devlin. Although, Mommy and Daddy are pretty certain that the night before you go to college, there will be many other things you'd rather be doing than spending it with your family."
"Like what?"
"Ummm, never mind. We'll have one big sleep together before you to college."
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