Thursday, January 19, 2012

If only...

It's week 3 of Quinn's young life, and Daddy is home for the week. An unexpected perk as Daddy's employer offers 5 days off for the purposes of "bonding" with your new family. So, we've had Daddy's help in chauffeuring Devlin and Ceilidh to school and back. Plus he's made some dents in his "honey-do" list, thus making use of his Christmas present - a gigantic screw and socket set.
While Quinn has enjoyed some naps on Daddy's chest, it's Aisling who has reaped the most from this bonding week. She's had a playmate to complete puzzles with, a partner in the board games, and an eager audience for her impromptu song recitals. An added bonus for Aisling is having her favorite breakfast prepared hot and fresh every morning - pancakes. Since Daddy also received a pancake shaper for Christmas, Aisling had been making requests for various animals every morning. Today, it was a piggy. It looked more like a bear.
Daddy has also been enjoying this time. He commented somewhat sadly, "I am not looking forward to returning to work next week."
Overhearing this, Aisling stated in a matter-of-fact tone, "Well, I guess you'll just have to stay home with me!"

Aaah, if only, there was a way...perhaps it's time to go and buy a lottery ticket.

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