Monday, January 30, 2012

Maternity Leave and a Type A Personality

Quinn is a month old. I am completely and utterly sleep deprived. While I realize that I've "just" had a baby, I feel like I've done nothing during this first month. That's the problem with being a Type A personality. It's hard to sit back and enjoy the ride. It's difficult to accept that making dinner and not calling for take-out every night is something to crow about when you have a newborn, and three other kids.
Since this is our last baby, and my last maternity leave, I decided that I would try to accomplish a few tasks during the year. I planned to master the art of Korean cuisine, or at least learn a few more recipes. I also intended to re-introduce myself to the piano and also work on some creative writing on a daily basis.
To that end, I have eaten lots of Korean food, thanks to my mother. In terms of cooking it, I've reheated several yummy dishes. I tinkled the ivories on one occasion, and I've sadly neglected even this blog as I haven't found even 20 minutes during the day when no one is either calling for me or clinging to me.
But looking back on the month, I realized I did in fact accomplish a few things. For instance, the children and I have settled into a daily after school routine that involves a snack and a little bit of television before turning off the tv for piano practising and homework. I started exercising. I went through three years' worth of magazines and clipped out the recipes or articles I wanted and tossed the rest. I sorted through old clothes, toys, and books and donated several bags and boxes to charity. I finally organized the pile of papers on the kitchen counter. I created a binder for the kids - notices from school and their extra-curricular activities.
And I've spent the last four weeks enjoying the grunts, yawns, squeaks, and the occasional smile of a beautiful baby boy.

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