Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Starting them young!

Parenting is all about teaching little people to become responsible, self-sufficient bigger people. So we yell and nag the under 18 years crowd to do their homework, make their bed, pour their own milk, empty out the garbage, scrub the toilets, fold their own laundry, and generally become less needy.
Hopefully, in a few years, we'll have a success story.
In the meantime, I've got some proof that our methods are working. Somewhat.
Quinn, and all the rest of my underlings, have been very good at putting their dirty laundry into the laundry basket. That's the very first "task" or chore we've taught them.
Tonight, Quinn demonstrated he's mastered another "chore".
After dinner, he grabbed his empty plate off the table, and toddled his way into the kitchen, and pitched it into the sink. He returned for his dirty cutlery and also threw into the sink. Thank gawd he's still using plastic dishware, but, hey, one less plate for Mommy to clear after dinner! He's learning by observing his older siblings. Awesome.
Too bad the potty training is not going as well. The whole learn by observation? Not so much.

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