Devlin's been running a fever for the last few days. The source of the fever was determined to be an ear infection. He's been prescribed antibiotics, and I am eternally grateful that he's gotten much better at taking his medication. As an infant and toddler, he had had many ear infections, due to being exposed to many many germs at daycare. We would dread having to administer his doses as it would take one parent to hold him down, and the other to ease the syringe into his mouth, past the clenched jaws and far enough down to prevent both gagging and pushing the liquid back out with the tongue.
So, he's on both the antibiotics and advil for his fever. If you observed his behaviour from a distance, you would never suspect he was ill. His energy levels are at their normal highs and his mood is almost as good. But the minute either Mommy or Daddy walk in the house, he becomes "sick" - coughing, moaning, and holding his head. I really do believe Devlin has a future career as a thespian. At bedtime, he's really milking the illness. Devlin even put on his best "poor me" voice and spoke with Auntie Shunaha on the phone. She's promised hugs and kisses to make him feel better. Last night, the "not feeling good" line got him an extra long bath in the jacuzzi tub and an extra bowl of ice cream to soothe his sore throat. (Incidentally, the jacuzzi tub sees more usage from the kids than the adults. why is that?)
Ceilidh has been taking all this extra attention on Devlin with good grace. She hates medicine and is simply thankful she doesn't have to take any. She also benefits from the extra ice cream helpings. And she has shown her concern for her brother by properly diagnosing his condition.
"Devlin, you have a beaver?"
"No, a fever!"
"A beaver?"
"It's a fever Ceilidh!"
"You have a beaver because you ate too much beaver tails!"
(Yep - we're working on enunciating the "b" and "f".)
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