Friday, September 18, 2009

Should we be worried already?

Ceilidh is only 3, but she's already very much into the "girl" thing. She loves dresses, and pretends to put on makeup. She likes to carry around purses, and she's very conscious of pretty items. The colour pink is pre-dominant in her world.
Last night, Daddy took her shopping for dance slippers. And returned with the needed dance slippers, but also a pair of unnecessary pink sequined shoes. Picked out by the princess herself, and bought by the indulgent daddy. "Don't be mad Mommy, but Daddy got me these PRETTY shoes!" she said as she proudly showed me the treasured items.
Then this morning, I asked her if she wanted to walk Devlin to school with me.
"Yes," she answered, "and you have to meet Brandon!" referring to one of Devlin's classmates.
"I do?"
"Yes. He's a boy. And he's tall. And he's handsome!"

Now where did she learn that word? And more importantly, should we be worried that she's already into boys at age 3????

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