Tuesday, April 1, 2014

She really WAS sick

Every parent has had to deal with the fake sick kid. It's a fine line one has to walk - you have to be concerned and not insensitive, because there might be some potentially serious emotional reason for faking the stomach ache and not wanting to go to school. But there's also the angle of "I don't have time to deal with this and get out of bed, you're going to school, and you're not really sick" because you don't want to cater to every single cry for attention. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf.
Aisling has been giving us a bit of trouble for the past few days. She's been on a food strike. Refuses to eat anything nutritious. Claims Mommy's homemade pizza, which everyone else raves about, is not as good as Boston pizza. Strawberries are yucky. Last night's noodle stir fry was gross, but Kraft dinner with the glow in the dark orange cheese is the BEST. Cucumbers are the only vegetables she will acknowledge. Bacon, french fries and cheese are the only items of food she'll eat without complaint. A walking heart attack at five years of age. Every single meal has been a struggle and frankly, I'm ready to throw in the towel!
She's been refusing to eat her lunch at school and the teacher sent home a note, concerned about Aisling's attitude regarding her lunch. The teacher requested that we speak to her. I sent a note with the spouse's contact information. After all, he's the lunch packer, and clearly I have no success with Aisling's eating behaviour.
All weekend long, she claimed her tooth was bothering her so she couldn't eat. She's got a loose tooth. We told her to chew out of the other side of her mouth.
Yesterday, she aid her tummy hurt. I told her it because there wasn't ANY FOOD IN IT!
This morning, she said her tummy still hurt. "Like throwing up?" I asked.
"No, it just hurt," she answered.
"Because you're not eating and there's no food in it!" I replied again.
I dismissed her whining and got ready for work.
Five minutes later, as I grabbed by coffee mug, I heard "EWWWW! Aisling just threw up EVERYWHERE!"
Sure enough, there was puke on the couch, the blankets, the floor. I had to move quickly to remove Quinn from the scene as he was getting curious.
I guess Aisling really was sick, and not faking it. Great, another item to add to the every growing Mommy guilt list.

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