Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Mystery of the Disappearing Coins

Aka How did Aisling get so rich?

We don't give our children allowances. We don't believe in paying our kids money to do chores that are expected of them, especially if they want to continue to be part of this family. No, we ascribe to the school of thought of raising independent (eventually one day, I hope, although I'd rather they first learn to sleep without Mommy) people who don't need to be paid to make their beds, put away their laundry, set the table for dinner, take out the garbage, put away their toys, etc. Really - I don't get paid to wash their dirty clothes, make their meals, wipe their poopy bums, and all the rest that comes with the job description of parent.
Besides, why would these kids need money? We buy their food and feed them, even the stuff that's of questionable nutritional value. We clothe them. For now, they have no choice in the fashion choices Mommy makes for them. We pay for all of their extra-curricular activities and the various accoutrements they require. All of their outings are covered by the bank of Mom and Dad. Every cent we have left over at the end of the month goes into their education savings plan, and not into a vacation fund for us. Really, these kids have it made!
Yes, there is the thought that an allowance would help them to learn money management and the value of a dollar. True enough, that's a life skill. But one that could be taught later in life.
Let's work on teaching these kids to become self-sufficient, productive and responsible for themselves while understanding and appreciating the value of pitching in to ensure the household runs smoothly. After all, while Mommy is viewed as Super-Mom, even the best superheroes need a helping hand. That's why there's a whole league of them. Otherwise, Super Mom quickly becomes Aggravated Mom, or B----y Mom.
But I digress.
This is about the disappearing coins. Devlin, Ceilidh and Aisling all have piggy banks. Literally, a plastic bank in the shape of pink pig. Since they don't get allowances, what goes into these vessels? Money from the tooth fairy and money they've earned from helping out with special tasks, like picking up the branches on the lawn, the detritus of the ice storm. Pennies they've found on the ground, and loose change they've scooped up from the car.
Since Aisling hasn't lost any of her baby teeth yet, she should have the least amount of coinage in her bank.
Not so.  
Somehow, she's managed to amass quite the fortune. Which Daddy didn't realize until she decided to purchase a box of Girl Guide cookies from Ceilidh. And still had plenty of money left over. While Devlin's piggy bank was woefully light, to his dismay.
Under the guise of learning how to count, I think Aisling has been dipping into her brother's stash stealthily.
So, now I've got two fraud artists and a future cat burglar. I can't wait to see what career path Quinn picks.

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