Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When I get married....

Last night, my 5 year old son told me he would miss me. I assumed he meant when I went to work the next day. He's very good at manipulating the guilt that working moms carry around. But he continued on.

"When I get married, I am going to miss you, " he stated.

"Why? Mommy could come live with you!"

"Oh no, Mommy, I have to go on a honeymoon when I get married," he said as if I was very dim - witted in the way that only a 5 year old can.

"But couldn't Mommy go with you on the honeymoon?"

"No Mommy, it's only for me and my wife! You're not invited!"

Amazing what a 5 year old can glean from the on-goings of family life. One my sisters got married in November, and honeymooned in Mexico (sans parents). Since then, there's been quite a fascination with wedding, marriages, and now, honeymoons.

His almost-3 year old sister asked him who he was going to marry. He mentioned a girl from school that he's had quite a crush on. Then she asked him who she would marry? "Some man" was the reply. "What about mommy?" was the next query from the almost-3 year old.
"She already choosed my Daddy so she can't get married" was the answer. His daddy liked that, and I'm wondering if there's an exception to that - like if Bradley Cooper or Ryan Reynolds was to propose, could I choose again?

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